NEW eBooks About Education

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Excellent eBooks with a novel approach


'A Class Apart' by Alec Klein. In "A Class Apart", Alec Klein isn't only recounting the saga of one semester in this prestigious one hundred and three year-old New York City public high school, that is noted not only for its academic excellence in the sciences and mathematics, but truly, for having had such a profound impact on American intellectual life in everything from politics and law to literature and the performing arts. Klein's representation of Stuyvesant as a hotbed of intellectual activity, where the students excel and the teachers encourage, is certainly not false. But it is extremely narrow. Klein writes of the spattering of advanced math and science courses; the exemplary English classes; the self-sacrificing and highly dedicated teachers; the student who brings a textbook to Senior Prom. He writes of the students and parents who fret over grades of 98 and 97, and the intense competition to get into highly coveted colleges. To his credit, Klein has no pretenses that all the students at Stuyvesant are extraordinarily gifted. Klein captured the incredible collection of moving parts beautifully, and his largely gentle treatment of the students made for a truly warm read.

'The Mislabeled Child:' by Brock & Fernette Eide. The Eides take a new and refreshing approach to many of the concerns and challenges that impact our children's ability to learn. Informative and well documented, this eBook is appropriate for anyone involved with children, including parents, teachers, therapists, and physicians. On the back cover is a quote from Paul Beljan,president , American Board of Pediatric Neuropsychology where he states : "This is the kind of book that parent's will want to keep out and refer to again and again. This book provides a comprehensive, commonsense and scientifically insightful overview of the causes and behaviors associated with a number of learning problems." That say's it right there. Good and educational read! Use the Coupon code below to receive a Discount on either of these two eBooks.

A Class Apart eBook edition by Klein, Alec
Enter Stuyvesant High, one of the most extraordinary schools in America, a place where the brainiacs prevail and jocks are embarrassed to admit they play on the woeful football team. Academic competition is so intense that students say they can have only two of these three things: good grades, a social life, or sleep.
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The Mislabeled Child: How Understanding Your Child's Unique Learning Style Can Open the Door to Success eBook edition by Eide, Brock,, Eide, Fernette,
Collectively, the Eide team is a powerhouse of insight and inspiration, not just because of their outstanding credentials and experience working with hundreds of children in their clinic,
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